SCE Presentation – “Out of the Mouth of Babes: An Ethic of Control, An Ethic of Resistance, and Dylann Roof”

Join Shandon at the Society of Christian Ethics as she presents her paper: "Out of the Mouth of Babes: An Ethic of Control, An Ethic of Resistance, and Dylann Roof" for the Disrupting White Privilege Working Group.Chicago, IL

Join Shandon at the Society of Christian Ethics as she presents her paper: “Out of the Mouth of Babes: An Ethic of Control, An Ethic of Resistance, and Dylann Roof” for the Disrupting White Privilege Working Group.

Disrupting White Supremacy in Ecclesial Settings
January 6, 2024 7:30-8:45 AM
Mark Grafenreed, Southern Methodist University
Shandon Klein, Southern Methodist University
Andrew Stone Porter, Bellmarine University
Convener(s): Julie Mavity Maddalena, Lakeland University

As SCE’s theme explores what makes ethics Christian and the role of teaching in Christian ethics, this panel reflects on the current wake of nationalists and white supremacists claiming Christianity in America. The panel explores the ecclesial role in planting seeds of white supremacist theology while also investigating how churches can deploy Christian ethical teachings to uproot white supremacist theological ethics. Panelists Mark Grafenreed, Shandon Klein, and Andrew Stone Porter bring perspectives from Protestant and Catholic traditions alongside the field of Christian ethics to uncover history, prevention, and intervention strategies countering this devastating reality.
